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Lab Dance BMC

Body-Mind Centering®, field of inspiration to creativity and arts
BMC Body and Dance : somatic dancer


April 23-27, 2019 

La Briqueterie CDCN - Vitry (Paris)

This workshop is coordinated by Lulla Chourlin, choreographer and co-director of Soma. It will be a collaboration with other guest choreographers, BMC practitioners and teachers : Janet Amato, Emilie Borgo and Milena Gilabert.


We question how choreographers, authors, dancers, interpreters integrate BMC in their art forms, how they include it into their research and how they share with different publics. 


Based on each choreographer proposal their will be time for teaching, for research, exploration and time for sharing with public.


This workshop is addressed to everyone who has experience with movement, dance and BMC.


Price : 500€

Schedule :10am - 6:30pm (except on saturday finishing at 6 pm)
Total : 35hours



SOMA © Copyright 2017

Body-Mind Centering® and BMC® are registered service marks of
Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, used with permission.


Créé par UMI avec

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